Submitting Planning Applications
Where planning applications are required, MHP will take you through the process and fully explain the procedure, submit the application and keep you informed of the process. This will normally take around 8 weeks to process, 13 weeks for a major application, and will involve the Local Planning Authority conducting a site visit. MHP works with a number of local architects for the purposes of plan drawing to aid the submission process.
Addressing Planning Appeals
Planning appeals are progressed after a planning application is refused by a Local authority. Appeals are a way forward for the client when they may feel aggrieved by the issue of a refusal, and a decision is contested, on material planning issues, through an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The planning Inspectorate is a separate Central Government body that re-asses an application, and their decision, if supported, will over-rule the decision of the Local Planning Authority. It is of note that Local Authorities make their respective decisions based on a 70% success rate projection of winning the appeal. MHP has a success rate of winning appeals at around 50%. But we advise clients accordingly, that we do not take on appeals where there is no chance of attaining a successful outcome. It is also of note that the vast majority of appeals are inherited from third party architects, and have not had the benefit of input from MHP.
General planning advice, including advice on Permitted Development Rights
MHP provides general planning advice on all planning related matters, and this includes advice on Permitted Development (PD) for householders. All houses have Permitted Development Rights, unless they have been removed by the Local Authority. PD allows the householder to build extensions to their respective dwellings, without the need to attain planning permission.
Planning Enforcement issues
MHP provides guidance and advice on all planning enforcement matters, and will help the client address enforcement notices that may be served on them, by the Local Planning Authority, for un-authorised development. This may require the submission of a retrospective planning application, or the need to contest an Enforcement Notice through the appeal process.
Planning Statements in support of an application/Enquiries/Objections.
MHP will negotiate with a Local Planning Authority, and provide planning statements in support of an application, regardless of whether the application is submitted by a third party, such as an architect, working on behalf of the client. MHP will submit formal applications with regards to seeking ‘Pre-application advice’ from the Local Planning Authority, and will represent third parties with regards to objecting to an already submitted application.
Lawful Use Certificates
MHP has considerable experience in dealing with existing development that is required to establish lawful use in planning terms, where a lawful use certificate is required by the client.